Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wedding dresses and football

Our weekend:
  • A bit of work on the bathroom done
  • Wedding dress shopping with Kyli (she found one but I'm not allowed to post a picture)
  • ISU vs. Northern Iowa football game
  • A trip to the mall for a suit for Ethan 
Busy but fun weekend. It was exciting to see Kyli try on dresses and she's getting her dress from the same store I got mine. Amazing how fast time flies! Made me excited for all of the fun wedding stuff to come. Emma keeps saying that when you get married that means you have to live with a boy and she doesn't want to do that. Let's hope she keeps that opinion for awhile.

Noah attended his first ISU football game. It was a bit chilly but great to see the Cyclones win one. Emma loved it and has been talking about the band and cheerleaders. We also helped pick up Coke caps. We are going to Orlando with my family in December and my Dad is determined to get us all free tickets to Universal Studios with Coke points, all 17 of us. My little sister Hayli is the lucky one who gets to enter all of the codes. Even skeptical Ethan was combing the stands for Coke bottles. He's learning the ways of our large family and how you find ways to afford vacation. The last time we went it was picking up pop cans. So if you have any Coke caps, you know where to send them...

Our trip to the mall was just like the scene from Family Man. We had lunch in the food court and Ethan was trying things on while Noah is crying and Emma is climbing racks. The poor sales guy was ready to be rid of us and even gave us a a discount on everything. 

We are enjoying the fall weather and making an effort to be outdoors while it lasts. Vacation is getting closer though!

Sharing her princess blanket
A girl and her scooter or as she calls it "shooter"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just another Tuesday...

Today's list:
  •  Laundry
  • Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
  • Kids pictures taken (thanks Rebekah!)
  • Blog
  • Pick up house
  • Get out fall clothes for kids
All have been checked off except the workout which comes next. I am still trying to figure out how you actually accomplish anything with small children! The day always seems to escape me. I don't know why a checklist with everything crossed off brings me such joy. My husband makes fun of me and I know I need to let go a little bit so that I actually enjoy what I'm doing and not just obsessing over the list. Despite his accusations of me not knowing how to have fun anymore, I can relax after my work is finished (which lately is never.)

We did manage to fit in dinner and a movie on Friday for the first time before Noah was born. Thanks to my sister Rachel for baby-sitting! I know we need to do this more often so we're going to try harder. I just don't think I can do another late movie. I must be old because I could barely keep my eyes open and then to actually process what was happening in the movie...I survived though without falling asleep and made my husband proud.

My kitchen help. She assisted with making lasagna and doing the dishes.

 Thanks for the apron Uncle Ian and Aunt Amanda!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Home Improvement

What a weekend! I know that doing home improvement yourself saves money but I told Ethan after our weekend I don't know if it was worth it. I also told him I may have a lawsuit for emotional distress =) Here's a recap:
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday spent on one wall of our bathroom
  • Toilet is hooked back up but sink isn't
  • Working with two small children-not a good idea (the poor neglected dears)
  • Learning that I'm not qualified for a two "man" job
  • Four trips to Lowes (two with both children and one with both cars)
  • Stopped at 10:00 PM Sunday to clean up disastrous house before sitter comes on Monday  
  • Both of us stumble through work Monday in an exhausted daze
Funny how I thought I could also fit cleaning my carpet into the weekend but it will have to wait until next weekend. We have both decided to take a break from the bathroom even though we still have a ways to go before it's finished. Emma has informed us that she is "tired of working on the bathroom." Noah also learned to suck his thumb while watching us on the floor.

Drywall torn off
Where we finished off

Go Cubs! Thanks Uncle Caleb and Aunt Katy
Our little thumb sucker

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Backyard bonfire, our pile of fallen tree branches is gone!
Noah likes the outdoors.
Canoe trip on Labor Day with Papa Paul and Grandma Janis (don't know how we didn't get a picture of them.)
Emma had fun collecting clam shells.
Hesitant at first but she had fun with her own little paddle.
Say cheese!
We had fun spending some quality time just with Emma. It was a great weekend but we are now all trying to get over colds- no fun!