Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Had to record this conversation I had with Emma the other day before I forget.

E: Mommy, I want to get a pet.

Me: What kind of pet?

E: A puppy.

Me: I don't know if you're old enough for a pet. You have to be able to take care of it.

E: Yes I am, I'm three Mommy! I will take care of it.

Me: You have to feed it, give it water, take it outside to go to the bathroom...

E: Puppies don't go to the bathroom (in a tone that implied I was ridiculous.)

Me: Yes they do and sometimes you have to scoop up their poop.

E: Okay. I guess I don't want a puppy then.

Me (thinking to myself): Wow, that was much easier to convince her than I thought it would be.

E: I guess I want a horse instead Mommy.

I then had to explain to her that all animals go to the bathroom. Life is just full of revelations when you're three years old.

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