Thursday, February 24, 2011

Project photo

I have finally tackled a project that's been pushed aside for a long time...our photo collection. I have now backed up all of our digital photos on a portable hard drive and organized them into folders by year. I am in the process of organizing all of our prints that were shoved into overflowing boxes. I purchased neat little plastic compartments that I'm going to categorize and label. Then, I want to make a photo book for each year of our digital photos. I think this will be an ongoing project since I'm behind a few years. I am thrilled to actually be getting this done and have stolen ideas from this blog.

While organizing, I couldn't help stopping to look at several old pictures and am amazed at how fast Emma has grown up. She has gone from baby to little girl too quickly!

Sleeping with Daddy

One month old
Love the arm rolls

Bumbo time
"Hi Daddy."

Everyone loves Oreos

My pink elephant

Enough hair for pigtails

Her love for princesses begins

Looking cute at another wedding

Just last week...pretending she's Captain Hook


1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is a big task that I'm sure feels great to get some head way on!

    Love seeing those pics of Emma - she couldn't be a cuter girl.
    My kids are still talking about her calling Hope's curls "wiskers".
