Friday, December 14, 2012



Noah's new pose

Thanksgiving at the Messerly's- thanks Janis for the pics :)


Emma and Willow had a blast playing together!

Kissing cousins

It was warm enough to play outside!

The kiddos
Someone looks tired, we had so much fun! Thanks to Randy and Kelli who were great hosts as always.
Ornaments from Aunt Kelli

Noah gets a boost

Emma was all about decorating

All done!
Abby's shower - babies galore and we're even missing a few!

Dressed up for the church Christmas program

Silly faces and Daddy's favorite argyle outfit-so glad we're having another boy who gets to wear it :)

"King of Kings"

Noah says, "We're making a ginger house."

Big mess but a big hit with the kids
Emma made us this ornament at school.

She also made us this snowman. Too cute! 
37 weeks and our most anticipated gift

Overdue post but as you can see it's been busy around here. We are now counting down the days until Christmas and the arrival of our new baby. Number 3 has caught me off guard and I don't think being 9 months pregnant during the holidays is something I'd like to repeat :) I had this grand plan months ago to be completely ready by December so we could just enjoy the month. Ha, what was I thinking?? We are making progress though and if he doesn't come early, we may just be ready. Still have several items to check off the list with one really important one-a name for this baby.

No Christmas card from the Andersons this year but we will aim to send out a New Year's card with a picture of our new addition. May you all have a blessed Christmas and rejoice with us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. He is the Light in this dark world and the only One who will bring peace.