Thursday, February 23, 2012

Highs and lows

Jelly toast in the morning

Noah likes to "help" make cookies.

You can never get enough cookie dough.

My bedtime buddy the last few nights

Lori's sister braided Emma's hair in a heart. She was thrilled and will leave it in until it falls out.

Not a happy camper

Life at our house lately can be summed up by the following:


  • Ethan was terribly sick with a flu bug for two days. I leave for Orlando on Sunday so decided I must take all precautions by Lysoling everything and sleeping in Emma's bed with her.
  • I got a speeding ticket and didn't have our newest insurance card either. The fines total over $500!!
  • Refrigerator started making awful non-stop squeak that was giving us all headaches.
  • It is our nanny Lori's last week and we are really going to miss her!
  • During our kitchen appointment at Lowes, Emma started feeling sick and threw up all over the stroller and floor.
  • I enjoyed two nights of a slumber party with Emma with lots of giggles.
  • Ethan thinks I will be able to get out of one fine so hopefully that will bring it down to $200. I will be setting my cruise control. Lesson learned though it was an expensive one.
  • Refrigerator stopped making noise after two days. Hope this is a good sign?
  • I think we at least have the month of March covered for child care until we can figure out something  more permanent.
  • We had a great time at Family Fun Night and  enjoyed dinner at the Hagbergs.
  • The kids and I enjoyed lunch and a play in Ames with Grandma and cousins. Ethan was also happy that we were gone most of the day so he could suffer alone without all of the noise.
  • We made a trip to Lowes and worked out a plan to replace our kitchen cabinets and fit a dishwasher in. It's a start and I'm so excited to move forward!
It was a week where I was forced not to look any farther than the day I was in. I am thankful that I normally don't parent alone, that I have great friends/family to help me out, and that God is in control of my circumstances. Now I'm off for a week of work in the sunshine and praying that we all stay healthy!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another week goes by...

We watched Emma dance at an Iowa Energy game.

Almost time for the halftime performance...

They did great!

Celebrating at Caleb's first birthday party

The birthday boy with mom

Everyone wants to help with the cake.

Sadie just sits back and watches all of her crazy cousins.

Big brother Eli will show you how it's done!

Noah finds another hat...

"N" is for nest.

Emma made a tent.

Green Eggs and Ham put her to sleep.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My little boy...

I can't begin to explain how this little guy just melts my heart. There's something about his cheery disposition that just makes me smile. His little personality is developing and these are some things I've noticed:

He is sensitive.

He is nurturing and loves animals and babies.

He is a cuddler and will crawl up on my lap multiple times a day just to hold my finger and suck his thumb.

He enjoys being outside and likes to collect sticks, ride his bike, and throw balls.

He loves books and wants to be read to all of the time!

He adores his daddy and greets him as soon as the door opens by running to him and yelling, "da da."

He thinks his big sister is cool and wants to do everything she does.

He is still a mama's boy and for now... she is just fine with that.