Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My two little monkeys

I'm sitting here wating for Emma to fall asleep and hoping Noah stays asleep. I really hope she's not outgrowing naps because I don't know what I'll do without my quiet time in the afternoon! Here's a couple updates on the two of them:

Noah has ear infection and has had a bad cold for a month now. I can't wait until he is completely better and starts sleeping for more than 1-2 hour stretches at night. His first tooth just poked through on the bottom and he has started army crawling which is tragic for his big sis. We are now alerted by her screams every time he is getting into her things. He sits at the big table with us in his high chair. Our food is always more appealing than his baby food so he has been eating some table food. He is still Mr. Smiles and gets lots of attention from all of us.

Emma is healthy (for now) and growing up so fast. I can hardly believe that she'll be four in a few months! She is still very into her princesses and her most recent favorite thing is her new purple Rapunzel purse. The girl still loves books and visits to the library. She also really likes coloring and crafts. Ethan bought her a Lego set (a pink girly one) for Christmas and she has fun making little houses for her princesses. Another thing she's been begging to play all of the time is house. Her new kitchen set and shopping cart are getting good use. I either get to be the "little girl"or the "checker lady." We've been listening to these CDs in the car and she loves them. One of her favorites is "a joyful heart is good medicine." The other day she was eating chocolate pudding and improvised a bit to, "a joyful heart is good pudding." Chocolate brings joy to her mom too!

The two are quite a pair. Now to go clean up their messes and finish their laundry before they awake...

Thinks he's big stuff on his little car

Princess Emma cooking in her kitchen

A cheerful cook

Emma decided to crash his crib

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today has been one of those days... Noah doesn't want to sleep and Emma has been in trouble multiple times. I am struggling to be the patient, kind mother that I want to be and seeing some of my frustration creep out. Some days just don't go the way you want them to! This always seems to happen when I have a busy day with lots to get done. Ethan sent me this this article on parenting and it was perfect for today. Below are some pics of Emma in the snow. She loves to be outside even in January!

Why Daddy is so much more fun than Mommy. He even knows how to build a snow fort!

It's not too cold. I love it out here!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random thoughts on a snowy day

Here's a sampling of what's been on my mind the last week or so:
  • Realizing that I can't do it all no matter how early I wake up or how late I go to bed. There's no possible way at this time in my life and that's okay...I am letting go of some perfectionism even though it's hard.
  • De-cluttering our house one room at a time. Getting rid of stuff, doing some deep cleaning, and organizing all of the things we've somehow accumulated. Here are some of my inspirations IHeart Organizing and Organized Simplicity.
  • Goals for the year including putting a routine in place for my days at home, spending more time playing with my children, finding time to exercise, doing more Bible study, and overall focusing more on things near and dear to my heart instead of the "urgent" things that push them aside.
  • My relationship with the Lord. It's not a checklist or a system, it's about spending time getting to know Him, being led by the Spirit, and loving the things He loves."The key element in pleasing God is our relationship with Him. It is a matter of the heart. If we see God as a taskmaster and consider obedience to Him a burden, then we have joined those of whom the Lord said, "I have this against you, that you have left your first love." Rev. 2:4 The way of joy is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. " -David McCasland
  • Getting ourselves back on a budget. December was a tough month with vacation and Christmas. We have to get back on track and I have to stay away from all sales no matter how great they are!
  • January is actually enjoyable this year. I like being cooped up in my cozy house working on projects that have been sitting for months (the bathroom.) We've had nice quiet evenings playing at home and I am loving it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas and New Year's Eve

Christmas came and went. We had a great time spending time at home with our own little family and then traveling to the Andersons Christmas Eve and Mom and Dad's for Christmas Day. We all really enjoyed just hanging out with everyone. The older I get I find that my favorite part of the holidays is just being together to celebrate our Savior's birth. I am so thankful that God sent His Son to this cold, cruel world so that we could have forgiveness from sin and a relationship with Him.

New Year's Eve was uneventful for us again this year. Both kids were still recovering from colds so we decided to stay home and take our Christmas decorations and tree down. It was actually very relaxing and I made it to bed early enough to read a book. I know I must be getting old when I miss ringing in the New Year because I'm fast asleep (and I wouldn't have had it any other way.) In this season of life, sleep is very valuable!

Presents waiting to be opened

Noah loved all of the bows

So excited to open presents
Angelina Ballerina
The new kitchen set

Noah really liked his present from big sis

Papa Paul, Grandma Janis, and Aunt Lindsey

Dumping out the stocking

Smiley boy at his first Christmas

Three cousins on Christmas morning
Grandma and Grandpa Crim nap after all of the Christmas commotion