Thursday, December 15, 2011

Picture recap

December is flying by! Here's what the Andersons have been up to these last couple weeks:

Daddy disapproves of headbands/chapstick for Noah. It was too cute though so I had to get a picture.

Noah helps himself to a snack.

Emma performs in her first dance show.

They were pretty cute!
Doing one of her moves

New hat and mittens

First ISU basketball game of the season

Our seats were way up there!

Emma's been painting ornaments.

We had a blast at Andrew and Josie's wedding!

Emma and her sweet friend Myra.

The lovely couple

Noah thinks he's all grown up sitting in his own chair.

Sadie Jo and her two Grandmas

If Emma's wearing a hat to the Christmas program, then Noah has to wear one too.

Emma poses and Noah runs away.

All lined up and ready to go

Making goodies for friends and neighbors. Sorry but we had to lose the shirt because "it might get messy."


  1. Cute, cute!! =) They are sooo adorable and I *love* your Christmas have two precious 'lil blessings!! :)

    P.S. Thanks for posting a few from Andrew + Josie's to see!!

  2. I love the first picture of Noah...headband and chapstick...haha! So cute! I can see why his daddy wouldn't like it though. =)
