Thursday, February 2, 2012

My little boy...

I can't begin to explain how this little guy just melts my heart. There's something about his cheery disposition that just makes me smile. His little personality is developing and these are some things I've noticed:

He is sensitive.

He is nurturing and loves animals and babies.

He is a cuddler and will crawl up on my lap multiple times a day just to hold my finger and suck his thumb.

He enjoys being outside and likes to collect sticks, ride his bike, and throw balls.

He loves books and wants to be read to all of the time!

He adores his daddy and greets him as soon as the door opens by running to him and yelling, "da da."

He thinks his big sister is cool and wants to do everything she does.

He is still a mama's boy and for now... she is just fine with that.