Thursday, January 26, 2012

Problem-free life

I admit that I do grumble about life sometimes. I don't know why because I truly have nothing to complain about. Yet I find myself thinking things like:

" A dishwasher would make life so much easier."

"If we only lived closer...."

"Why is she so strong-willed?"

"This is just too much for one person to possibly do."

"If we just had more space..."

"Why does this have to be so hard?"

I know, it's terrible but I'm being honest. Today my reading really spoke to me though:

"Give up the illusion that you deserve a problem-free life. Part of you is still hungering for the resolution of all difficulties. This is a false hope! As I told my disciples, in this world you will have trouble. Link your hope not to problem solving in this life but to the promise of an eternity of problem-free life in heaven. Instead of seeking perfection in this fallen world, pour your energy into seeking Me: the Perfect One.

When things seem all wrong, trust Me anyway. I am much less interested in right circumstances than in right responses to whatever comes your way."

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

So true and so convicting...I don't know why I ever expect a life of ease on this earth. There is no such thing which is why we have eternity to look forward to! I'm reminded once again to change my perspective.

We have had a great week so far and Emma is finishing the letter M. My favorite one so far because M&Ms have been required for most of the activities ;) She has done great with her preschool and seems to still enjoy it most days. Noah thinks he needs to join in so that's been a challenge to find things he can do. He had no problem sampling the M&Ms this week though as you'll see in the pictures below.

Do-A-Dot "M"

Finished product

Color sorting

Noah doing his part

Happy camper

Fun book from the library

Great way to make counting fun

Alphabet Bingo to review letters

Noah cleans out the cupboard

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Swimming and snow

We had a very fun weekend at the Ramada indoor waterpark or as Emma calls it "the pirate hotel." The Crim family all joined us for the Living Social deal we found online and several others must have thought it was the thing to do because it was busy. The kids all had a blast swimming and we enjoyed pizza Sunday night and breakfast the next morning.

 Snow finally arrived so Emma was anxious to get outside and play. Noah joined her but wasn't too confident walking in it and wanted his mittens off. They didn't last too long but it was another way to break cabin fever.

Daddy has a hard time moving with these extras

All settled in after swimming

Noah and Caleb are ready to eat!

The other end of the table


Couldn't pull these little fish out of the pool

The water slides were popular.

The loved all going down together but I don't think the lady at the bottom enjoyed getting bumped three times.

Must have his bike even in the snow

Emma's snow angel

Noah finally made it back to the deck. It's hard to walk in all of this!

Now to get all of the wet clothes off after 15 minutes of fun

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Days like these...

Today is one of those days filled with messes, fighting, whining, and feeling defeated. A clean house is a battle I will never win. Just when I think we're making progress with an attitude issue, it resurfaces. I can't seem to even find a moment quiet enough to make a call. All of my hard work seems futile. Today I read this though:

"Everyone to whom God has given wealth, and possessions, and the power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil-this is the gift of God. For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart." Eccl. 5:19-20

"Blessings, like children, are not ethereal and weightless. Sometimes they feel like they come at you like a Kansas hail storm-they might leave a welt! But if you accept your lot and rejoice in your toil, God will give you the kind of overwhelming joy that cannot remember the details. Motherhood is hard work. It is repetitive and sometimes menial. Accept it. Rejoice in it. This is your toil. Right here. Those are their faces. Enjoy them. The days of your life are supposed to be full of things like this. But joy is not giddy. It is not an emotional rush-it is what happens when you accept your lot and rejoice in your toil. So rejoice in your children. Look them in the eyes and give thanks. You will not even remember the work of all this planting when the harvest of joy overwhelms you."

Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches

So in the midst of messes like today's,

I accept my calling, focus on their faces, and rejoice.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas spent with both families. Delicious food, great gifts, fun games and fellowship made our weekend memorable. I have decided that Christmas as a kid was all about fun and Christmas as a mom is all about work :) My joy now comes from watching my children's excitement and the work was well worth it. I also really valued the time we shared as a family and with our extended families. Our New Year's weekend has been spent putting away our new gifts and taking down the Christmas decor. Ethan even decided to build a shelving unit in the basement to get organized. We are excited for a fresh start and are looking forward to 2012 and all that it brings!

Setting up Noah's train table

I think Daddy enjoyed it too.

It's hard to keep the train on the tracks sometimes.

I think they will both be spending hours with this new toy.

"Da da, choo choo."

The piles of goodies

Pillow pets were a big hit!

Noah loves his bear.

Strawberry Shortcake brings a big smile!

A mini American Girl doll

Noah mastered the skill of opening a gift without help.

Anderson Christmas

His very own sauna towel, a true Anderson boy

Sauna time
Paul's surprise North Face jacket

Crim Christmas-everyone piles on Uncle Andrew

Noah snuggles with his buddy

Christmas morning-nothing but smiles

Sadie gives her new rocking chair a try.

G&G Crim gave all the grandkids their own rocker.

We love our new rockers

Perfect for coloring

"I'm ready for a sauna!"
"Time for a drink."