Thursday, January 19, 2012

Swimming and snow

We had a very fun weekend at the Ramada indoor waterpark or as Emma calls it "the pirate hotel." The Crim family all joined us for the Living Social deal we found online and several others must have thought it was the thing to do because it was busy. The kids all had a blast swimming and we enjoyed pizza Sunday night and breakfast the next morning.

 Snow finally arrived so Emma was anxious to get outside and play. Noah joined her but wasn't too confident walking in it and wanted his mittens off. They didn't last too long but it was another way to break cabin fever.

Daddy has a hard time moving with these extras

All settled in after swimming

Noah and Caleb are ready to eat!

The other end of the table


Couldn't pull these little fish out of the pool

The water slides were popular.

The loved all going down together but I don't think the lady at the bottom enjoyed getting bumped three times.

Must have his bike even in the snow

Emma's snow angel

Noah finally made it back to the deck. It's hard to walk in all of this!

Now to get all of the wet clothes off after 15 minutes of fun


  1. So cute!! Glad your family reunion went well...I wasn't feeling well on Sunday, so I wasn't able to come to meeting, but I heard that people just kept on streaming in from your family, etc. and that it was a blessing seeing so many brothers & sisters in Christ. =)


  2. *Squeal*, they are so cute! =)
    Love the bike in the snow. Sounds familiar.
