Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cabin fever

We have been staying home in all of this cold, snowy weather. Emma and I built a snowman over the weekend which she thought was great fun. Today we made homemade play dough and she was occupied for quite awhile. Here's the recipe if anyone else is looking for fun things to avoid cabin fever:

Favorite Play Dough Recipe
2 ½ cups flour

½ cup salt

1 tablespoon alum

2 packages of Kool-Aid (unsweetened)

3 tablespoons cooking oil

2 cups boiling water

Mix dry ingredients together.

Then mix oil and water together.

Combine both dry and liquid ingredients.

Knead until smooth and cool.

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

(a Ziploc bag works just fine!)

Emma has been wanting to listen to her Hide Em in Your Heart CD every time we are in the car. I've been amazed at how quicky she has memorized the verses put to music. However, she's come up with her own interpretations though. Here's a few :

"I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not swim against You."

"You knit me together in my mother's room...

"There is a friend who stinks closer than a brother."

Her first snowman

A bit upset that we didn't have a carrot, had to use sidewalk chalk for his nose.

Mr. Snowman who now is checked on daily from the window

Noah's first sippy cup

He always wants big sister's but now he has his own

Our homemade purple play dough


  1. Love Emma's rendition to those songs. Those are some of our all time fav cds.
    Ok, great idea for today - homemade playdough. Thanks!

  2. Hilarrious!! Good job on the snowman too!
